Friday, December 02, 2011

Day Two Of Coach Eric's Strength and the Spinervals Challenges

Yes, I'm actually doing two challenges at once. Eric Hodska's strength challenge and the Spinervals 31 days challenge. Today was an easy day, well, relatively speaking.

I got up at 0545 and realised that I didn't have time to do the spin, so I did a 5 minute warmup on the trainer, the Eric's workout. I did three sets of double crunches, the easy part, and then attacked the 40 push ups, so I started off easy, doing 11. Then I did 14, then I did 15 more. Nothing to be proud of, but it is Day 2. I'm sure I could have gutted out at least 30 in a row, but half of them would have been lousy, so what's the point of that ? I wanted to do 40 good push ups.

If it had not been for the New Haven Road Race Board meeting, I might have squeezed the 80-90 minutes in, but I wanted to make sure I made the meeting and got myself on the committee considering altering the race's course.

The spin came after I got home from work. I actually packed up my bike and trainer and took it to work, but that was never going to happen. I started Aero Base Builder 16.0 after putting my race bike  (with training wheel) on the trainer and for an evening workout (not my favorite) it was a nice change of pace. I  enjoyed what is a pretty straightforward workout, got on a good sweat and feel ready for day 3 of both challenges.

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